Overflow Incontinence

A difficult incontinence condition…but very manageable!

Let’s begin this blog with the definition of OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE. The simplest and most descriptive definition of overflow incontinence is:  a form of urinary incontinence, characterized by the involuntary release of urine from an overly full bladder, often in the absence of any urge to urinate”. Immediately, you can see why overflow incontinence  is a more complex incontinence condition than the two urinary incontinence conditions we have previously covered, i.e., stress incontinence and urge incontinence. When you read the above definition carefully, you see two phrases: namely, “involuntary release of urine” and “absence of any urge”, both of which are being introduced in this blog series for the first time. It is because of these two symptoms that we will be analyzing more sophisticated incontinence products for the purpose of managing overflow incontinence…and the good news is…that it can be managed.

Physiologically, overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder is completely full…resulting in any additional urine entering the bladder to overflow or leak. Think of having a bowl of water filled to the very top of the brim…if you were to add even another drop of water to the bowl, it would overflow or leak over the bowl…that’s exactly what takes place with overflow incontinence. The unfortunate part of this condition is that one may not have the sensation that the bladder is full. Also, one may not have the urge to urinate, which results in frequent leaks of urine throughout the day and evening hours.

Overflow incontinence affects mostly men-

Overflow incontinence is more common in men than women, although women who have vaginal  prolapse, fibroid tumors or certain neurological diseases could be confronted with the condition. Men, especially at the age of 50 and beyond are susceptible to the onset of prostate problems, the most common of which is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is not a cancerous prostate, but an enlarged prostate gland that grows slowly as one continues to age. As the prostate gland continues to enlarge over time, it actually squeezes the urethra which passes through the prostate gland, thereby, restricting the flow of urine from the bladder.

Now that you have some basic information about overflow incontinence, you’ll want to know what you can do to make life as comfortable as possible for yourself or your loved one…but before we go on, I must once again get back to preaching about self confidence. I hate repeating myself so often, but please allow me to refresh your memory about self-confidence…always keep in mind, regardless of the symptoms or the causes of one’s incontinence, the many improvements made in recent years with incontinence products will always allow you to successfully manage your personal or a loved one’s incontinence condition.  You should not be obsessed with the fact that you have an incontinence condition–instead, you should reward yourself for understanding how to manage your incontinence. Whether your a man or a women, you are dealing with a condition that millions of others are also dealing with, in fact, it is estimated that incontinence today is as common as hay fever.

The incontinence products we will be focusing on for overflow incontinence fall in the category of protective products for heavy incontinence for both men and women. These products come in a range of sizes and absorbency levels, with different types and styles to suit different preferences. They are available with advanced neutralizing agents to eliminate urine odor and dampness.

Let’s now talk about specific products that are recommended for overflow incontinence. In most instances, incontinence briefs and pads are able to take care of heavier amounts of leakage that accompanies overflow incontinence. We are fortunate that manufacturers of incontinence briefs and pads offer a large variety of these products for all degrees of urine leakage and selecting the correct product is most often understanding what’s best for your own personal condition. Understandably, in cases of overflow incontinence, one is dealing with a larger volume of urine than in other incontinence conditions, therefore, the selected product should be one that is capable of absorbing these greater volumes of liquid. As in all instances, the process for selecting the right product is usually done on a trial and error basis -meaning, in essence, if the first trial is less than adequate for absorption and odor protection, one can simply select an alternate product that has a higher capacity of absorbency and odor control. The trick here is to know that you are not locked into a specific product, and that there are options available to manage your condition as it presently stands and as it continues to progress.  The images found below are products that are suitable for overflow incontinence. Click on them and determine which product is best for your present condition. Keep in mind that you can always speak to one of our incontinence specialist for advice

Tena Women Protective Underwear Super Plus Absorbency
Tena Women Protective Underwear Super Plus Absorbency
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Tena Night Super Pads
Tena Night Super Pads
[/ezcol_1half_end] [ezcol_1half]
Tena Men Protective Underwear Super Plus Absorbency
Tena Men Protective Underwear Super Plus Absorbency
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]
Tena For Men
Tena For Men
[/ezcol_1half_end] Click on any of the above packages to read a full description of  each product.

Please, please do not rush through this step when making your selection. We know that most of you, when shopping online, have a tendency to rush the process and get onto your next chore. However, in this blog I make an attempt to convince the reader to study the subject carefully so that she/he can make good decisions that not only puts a product in your hands, but puts the correct product in your hands…the product that is going to be the best suited for you or a loved one’s incontinence problem.

At Careway Wellness Center our best selling incontinence products for overflow incontinence are absolutely the TENA brand. It is for this reason that Careway’s has developed the TENA CLUB for its customers. Below, there is a video that explains how our exclusive TENA CLUB works. Of course, in addition to the TENA brand, Careway sells several other brands of incontinence briefs and pads, all of which can be shopped online as well as our retail store.

We encourage you to join our exclusive TENA CLUB and begin to enjoy even more savings on TENA products. Play the video to see how the TENA CLUB works.

In my next blog, I will be discussing other forms of incontinence that are less widespread and are targeted to specific groups of individuals.

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