Giggle, Mixed and Functional Incontinence

Giggle, Mixed and Functional incontinence are less common…but still important! We have covered the most customary forms of incontinence in previous blogs–namely, stress incontinence, urge incontinence and overflow incontinence. Today, I will touch upon three less common forms of incontinence, which are Giggle, Mixed and Functional Incontinence.  Before I go on, however, I must point out that the […]

Overflow Incontinence

A difficult incontinence condition…but very manageable! Let’s begin this blog with the definition of OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE. The simplest and most descriptive definition of overflow incontinence is:  “a form of urinary incontinence, characterized by the involuntary release of urine from an overly full bladder, often in the absence of any urge to urinate”. Immediately, you can see why overflow incontinence […]

Urge Incontinence

What you should know about “urge” incontinence! In my last blog, I introduced you to the most common urinary incontinence condition; namely, stress incontinence.  We learned that stress incontinence, although quite common, especially with women, is associated with small amounts of leakage unlike more progressive incontinence conditions that are associated with larger amounts of leakage.  We […]

Stress Incontinence

Understanding stress incontinence and how to manage it! Before we discuss stress incontinence, I would like to talk a little bit about the subject of incontinence itself and how it may be conceived by those affected by the condition.  It seems that most individuals who have the beginning stages of urinary incontinence are anxious to find out […]

Manage your symptoms and enjoy life!

Manage your symptoms and enjoy life! Every day, we speak to customers about incontinence, and in most of those conversations we find that they know everything about their symptoms, but little about how to manage their symptoms.   We tell our customers, “manage your symptoms and enjoy life”! At Careway Wellness Center, our incontinence specialists, […]